March 19th, 2024 | 7 months ago | Bamboo Communications

    Spring Cleaning Tips

    It’s official, spring is here! And what better season than this one to get some tasks around the home checked off the to-do list? Compiled below are some tasks that not only feel good to get done but could also protect your home against any potential mishaps that result in costly damages. 

    • Change air filters: With spring comes pollen, and for those of us with allergies, having clean, high-efficiency air filters can help trap not only the pollen in the air, but also the dust and airborne particles. On top of that, you’re supporting your HVAC system’s longevity by regularly swapping out those filters (we’re talkin’ every 90 days). 
    • Clean your dryer vent: This may not seem too important, but regularly cleaning out your dyer’s lint filter could prevent clogs that reduce your dryer’s efficiency. Even more serious? Dirty dryer vents are a leading cause of domestic dryer fires, according to the US Fire Administration. (Source: 
    • Clean those hard-to-reach areas: When was the last time you moved your couch and vacuumed underneath? We thought so. The good news, spring’s a great time do that.  
    • Change batteries: Household items that are battery-operated, like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, could probably use a new set. Instead of waiting for them to run out of juice, go ahead and swap those batteries out so you’re set for the season. 
    • Check your hoses: And we don’t mean the ones outside. Your washing machine hoses rupturing could create huge problems that cost a whole lot of money. Go ahead and check those to ensure there are no leaks or swelling, and if you’re feeling fancy, swap out any rubber hoses with braided hoses for more durability and longevity. 

    Our final tip? Make sure your homeowners insurance policy is exactly what you need. Start your personalized quote right here.